MALACCA: The completion of the RM44.9mil interchange and road in Ayer Keroh would enable faster travel to the soon-to-be opened Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) and Kolej Yayasan Saad.
Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said it would cut the travelling time from 10 minutes previously to two minutes.
Mark of progress: Mohd Ali cutting a ribbon to mark the launching of the RM44.9mil interchange in Ayer Keroh recently. |
The Federal Government funded the construction of the interchange and the road.
Mohd Ali said the soon-to-be opened UTeM is expected to have around 6,000 students and would complement the 3,000 student population in Kolej Yayasan Saad.
He hoped the surrounding areas leading to the college would be further developed, with the opening of the interchange.
“With ample space, good road access and being only five minutes away from the Ayer Keroh toll, this place has all the signs of becoming a new development area in the future,” he said.
He also urged the Public Works Department to cancel tenders to contractors who were slow and did not meet deadlines set on road and bridge projects.
He urged the people to call him or their state assemblymen to complain of shoddy work by contractors.
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